consistency together

stay consistent,
keep it going,
by yourself,
is the false cultural narrative.

it is difficult,
to stay consistent,
when the only motivation,
is internal.

it become impossible,
so we shame ourselves for not being able,
to do the thing alone,
that we were meant to do together.

burnout happens,
missed minutes,
missed hours,
missed days,
missed weeks,
missed experiences
alone pushing,
alone striving,
along wondering,
yet still,

there must be a deeper reason,
tied to something more than an internal dream,
that propels us to push,
that propels us to be open,
that propels us to embrace change.

we must flow with life and energy,
flow with a soul that understands us and supports our strength,
we must be in flow with another human,
one that is close,
one that can be fully sense,
one that can be in your darkness and still see light.

their presence empowers you to stay consistent,
they will flourish with you in your work,
they will walk through the opens doors with you.

then, staying consistent doesn’t feel selfish,
doesn’t feel like self centered,
it transforms self care into something greater,
consistency becomes care for others,
so that something bigger than you can evolve.

evolution together is much more enjoyable that evolution alone.
consistency together is much more enjoyable than consistency alone.

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