Comparison exhaustion

To win in life, someone has to lose…or do they? Thinking from a place of abundance, we can all win if we stop being so egocentric, greedy, and un-sharing. The systems we have in place create scarcity of many resources that aren’t actually scarce, they are just controlled by a few people. This in turn make us compare ourselves to one another in order to get a competitive advantage. This becomes a VERY slippery slope where some people can play and others cannot. Socioeconomic advantages for some make it so that everyone is trying to get to where they are at and they have a born in advantage. Color of skin, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, and many more factors all place us on a have vs have not scale that is NEVER ENDING. It creates comparison exhaustion and that is not what the meaning of my life is about. I am tired of comparing and worrying about others looking me up and down and making a snap judgement whether to share with me, give me a chance, or not. It’s tiring, exhausting, we were not born into this word as innocent little kiddos to live a life of comparison.

I saw all of this on a personal blog not attached to my professional life because that which I fear, people knowing this side of me – allowing me to be without comparison or judgement isn’t something I want to deal with. Could my marriage, professional career, and fatherhood survive it? Yes. Part of me thinks that combining the worlds is actually a GOOD and beneficial thing, but not yet. I would love to give people that love me, care for me, see something in my the chance to see deeper into my life and being, beyond the carefully curated show we dance around on social media. It would be up to them what they wanted to know, what they wanted to see, and how they interacted with me.

The truth will set you free and here I am living a part of my truth. A bit disjointed, yet it’s mine. As I evolve, so will my circles of love and care. Maybe at some point I can merge these circles and be raw and real with the people I am around in real life.

Comparison is exhausting and destructive. Time to reduce it as much as possible, especially between me and the world because I do truly want those around me feel fully seen and supported.

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